The picture can not even capture what the ultrasound was like at that moment. I, of course, cried some more when we heard and saw the heart beats again. Music to my ears. Then I cried some more when the tech told us that both babies heartbeats were identical at 162 beats per minute. The baby on the left is our "chilled" child. I say this one takes after Justin (lol). The baby on the right can not stay still. Hmmmmm, I wonder who this one takes after. The baby on the right is facing towards the screen as if he/she knew there was a camera on her/him.
Other than me crying and my memory fading, all four of us (I have to include Justin) are doing great. My labs are perfect and I'm in great health, as are the twins.
I have to brag on my wonderful husband and give him the credit he deserves. Justin has been so amazing through all of this. He has cleaned, cooked, done laundry, and yes he has even driven all over the city for me to get me what I crave! I am very blessed to have him as my husband and can't wait for him to be a daddy. He is so excited!! I am just now showing to where it doesn't look like I have a beer belly and getting bigger everyday. Justin comes home everyday and rubs my belly and every morning he will text me to see how I feel. Every night before we go to bed, he rubs my stomach and talks about how excited he is. He is going to be such a great Dad!!
And more crying as I type this.