Saturday, March 27, 2010


Justin and I went to visit my mom and step dad a week or so ago in Biloxi.  While we were there, Whitney took this picture of me watching some yard work being done.  I had no idea how much I have grown.  It seems like last week we were looking for some "sign" of my tummy growing. 

We are now 23 weeks (24 Tuesday) and everything is perfect.  I have gained a total of 11 pounds (yay!!) during this pregnancy.  We went to the Doctor over my spring break and they told me that I was at 11 pounds.  Well, a few days ago I got on our scale at home and it had me weighing in at an extra 9 pounds.  So, i'm confused.  How could I gain and extra 9 pounds in less than a week to put me at a total of 20 pounds? Anyone?  I am not worried about how much weight I gain for my sake.  I am more worried about the babies health.  If you remember, at first the doctors were all worried because I was not gaining any weight and thought it would be dangerous for myself and the girls. 

The doctors all say i'm doing great, though.  I'm just curious as to how in the world someone gains 9 extra pounds in a week.

The girls are kicking up a storm NIGHT and DAY!!  I was over at my friend Lauren's house the other night talking with her about being uncomfortable, sleep, etc.  We were discussing how hard it is to sleep at night because there is no good position to get comfortable.  She asked me if I was still sleeping in our bed and I said yes, but I am using a body pillow. I have tried the couch in the evenings and neither seem to help.  Anybody have any good ideas?  I have never been pregnant before so I am brand new at all of this.  I don't know if it is because I am carrying two V. one or if it's just because that is what happens.  

We go to the Doctor on Tuesday for my check up and gestational diabetes test (yuck).  Please pray that all of the tests come back normal and we don't have to go through any of the steps that come along with gestational diabetes.

We also start our parenting/lamaze classes on Thursday.  NO, I am not having an ALL natural birth without drugs.  Women that can do that have my applause.  I signed us up because it offers more than just the birthing process and thought we would have a good time and learn a little bit in the process. 

Anyway, on to my real topic..........CRAVINGS!!!!  I have always been one to enjoy a good snow cone.  For the past month I have wanted to hurt somebody to get a snow cone.  I can not seem to get enough snow cones.  I wonder why a snow cone and not ice cream.  I also can NOT get enough milk.  Every morning I get up I drink a 32 oz glass of milk and in the afternoon......a snow cone.  Justin was so sweet the other day.  He came home from working a long day and walked in the door with my favorite snow cone. 

Update:  Justin's grandfather is out of the hospital and is doing fine.  He is at home and all is good with him.  Also, my Dad is going in on Monday for some additional tests on Monday (March 29).  I know God is with him like he has been with Justin's grandfather, I just can't help but worry.  Please keep them in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. You know that I am going to try and talk you into natural child birth. I know that is not the way I was going to do it, but there is no other way. Give it a try!!!
