Tuesday, June 22, 2010

UAB Update

We are finally home after a LONG trip to Birmingham.  We met with Dr. Davis at UAB (Fetal Med Clinic) and had an ultrasound.  Everything came back normal and the girls are fine.  They each have both kidneys, all chambers of their hearts (which are perfect!), bladders, and all of the other major parts.  Dr. Davis didn't say anything about their lungs or lung development.  He said that they are measuring in at 5.1 lbs and 5.3 lbs.  Very different from yesterdays measurements.  I'm glad we went to Birmingham even though it was a long trip because it eased our worries about the babies.  We have been SO incredibly blessed throughout this entire pregnancy and have not had any major or even minor problems.  So for us to make it to 36 weeks and the doctor only be worried about their sizes, I think we are doing pretty good :-).  At the end of the appointment Dr. Davis told us that we just have to continue waiting until July 7th (my c-section) or if my water breaks and I go into labor.  I must admit, I was a little disappointed that he didn't tell me today that we can go ahead and take them but I was excited at the same time that all was good with the girls.  My Mom keeps telling me that I could go this week since it is a full moon. Who knows, maybe it will happen!!!  I'm so ready to meet these little kickers (as I type this, both girls are getting their nightly aerobics exercise...........ouch!).  I've enjoyed being pregnant and being able to experience this amazing blessing but enough is enough.  It's show time. 
We go back to Doctor G here in Dothan next week and maybe he will have good news for me.  Thank you for all of your prayers.  Keep them coming please.  The countdown is on with 15 DAYS TO GO!!!!!


  1. Anna,
    We are so happy to hear that the girls are fine. Enjoy your last 2 weeks as a married couple with no kids. Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet little ones. Talk to you soon. Keep in touch.

  2. Glad to hear the good news! I am still praying that all goes smoothly!!! Love you guys!
