Monday, June 21, 2010


We went for  our 36 week check up and our last ultrasound, or so we thought.  The babies heartbeats are strong with one at 144 and the other at 132 beats per minute.  They are weighing in at 4 lbs 14 oz and 5 lbs 9 oz.  We thought everything was okay until we got into the room with Doctor G.  The smaller baby is in the 11th percentile for low birth weight and that concerns him because they were both identical in weight and on the right track only 2 weeks ago with both at 3 lbs 11oz.  So, Doctor G is sending us to Birmingham (UAB) tomorrow morning for a more invasive ultrasound and more tests.  Doctor G just wants to make sure that the smaller baby girl is getting the right nutrients and is ok.  I'll post more information after our visit.  As excited as I am that we only have 2 weeks left (C-section scheduled for July 7th) and have wanted the doctor to say "let's go ahead and take them", I'm scared to death about things being alright with both of them.  Please pray and stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason the text came in about 3:00am and I got up to read...I am praying for you and your babies. I know you are going to be in good hands and the good Lord will take good care of you! Much love to you and Justin and I will be checking later for an update!!

    LOVE YA!
